Web Interface (WebGUI) / Services / OpenVPN on IPFire / OpenVPN extensions / Authentication methods / OpenVPN LDAP Auth

Last edited 5:33 pm by Alexander Weber • added duplicate-cn + explanation and security concerns

Web Interface (WebGUI) / Services / OpenVPN on IPFire / OpenVPN extensions / Authentication methods / OpenVPN LDAP Auth

Last edited 2:55 pm by Alexander Weber • Small corrections, added user/rights of the authentication file and corrected the file, added troubleshooting steps

Domain Name System overview / List of Public DNS Servers

Last edited Tuesday by Charles Brown • Corrected second IP Addr for dns.sb under DNS-over-TLS service

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited Monday by Bernhard Bitsch • workaround for RPZ update

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited Monday by Freddo • Link for lcdproc not established; fixed now

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited Monday by Freddo • Some fixes for errors; Formatting Fixes

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Jon • indented recently added note

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Bernhard Bitsch • Clarification of the leases bridge issue.

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Jon • Added Logging section

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Bernhard Bitsch • Explanation of the issue with unbound leases bridge.

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Jon • updated links

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 21 by Jon • Update links

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited July 21 by Jon • fixed formatting

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited July 21 by Freddo • Better Format

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited July 21 by Freddo • Improvements in Document Formatting

Add-ons / lcdproc

Last edited July 21 by Freddo • Instructions to actually make it work with Sophos XG Hardware

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 17 by Jon • spell check

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 17 by Jon • added images

Add-ons / RPZ - Response Policy Zones

Last edited July 16 by Jon • create wiki page for possible rpz add-on

Domain Name System overview / List of Public DNS Servers

Last edited July 8 by Adolf Belka • Added link for filtering info for SKYDNS

Domain Name System overview / List of Public DNS Servers

Last edited July 8 by Adolf Belka • SKYDNS now resolves but all DNS server options provide some form of filtering.

Domain Name System overview / List of Public DNS Servers

Last edited July 8 by Ole • DNS-GA has stopped servers DNS4,5,6,7 until further notice and thus does not resolve queries anymore by the known server`s IPs

Development / IPFire 2.x / IPFire 2.x - Building Add-ons

Last edited July 5 by Jon • updated code block in Testing section

Web Interface (WebGUI) / Services / OpenVPN on IPFire / OpenVPN Configuration / Extended usage of CA and keys

Last edited July 4 by Mr. T. • CRL renew command. New location of ovpn.cnf since v186

Web Interface (WebGUI) / Firewall Documentation / Blue Access

Last edited July 4 by Bernhard Bitsch • Clarification of identifying entries

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 2 by Michael Tremer • Update log

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Michael Tremer • Update attendees

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Michael Tremer • Update attendees

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Michael Tremer • Add link to the conference room

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Adolf Belka • Added agenda items

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Adolf Belka • Additional agenda item added

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Adolf Belka • Added agenda items

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Adolf Belka • Added agenda items

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited July 1 by Adolf Belka • Added links for patchwork commits to review for CU187

Domain Name System overview / List of Public DNS Servers

Last edited June 30 by Porkyle • Renamed censurfridns.dk to UncensoredDNS and fixed hyperlinks. Corrected Anycast service IPv6 address and moved service bottom of anycast services.

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited June 30 by Adolf Belka • Modified agenda item as CU187 not yet at Testing

Optimization / Scripts collection / OpenVPN Certificate Status

Last edited June 29 by Adolf Belka • The my-sendemail.sh script no longer exists in the IPFire documentation, so the lonk has been removed as it just reults in an "Error 404 This page does not exist" error message

Optimization / Scripts collection / OpenVPN Certificate Status

Last edited June 20 by Adolf Belka • The script is based on using the sendemail addon which was removed in Core Update 158. Added note that the script will not function as currently written.

Add-ons / TagLib

Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • Created initial page for addon description


Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • Corrected case of name


Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • Added addon entry for TagLib

Development / Monthly Video Conference / July 1st, 2024

Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • Added agenda items

Development / Monthly Video Conference

Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • Added next meeting date

Noteworthy packages / location

Last edited June 17 by Adolf Belka • The live demo is not longer on the website. The function is available in all IPFIre systems so a live demo is not needed.

Installation / Howto write a flash image to disk?

Last edited June 17 by Tyler Ceccherini • I Changed it from just windows 8 and older to windows 10 and 11 too because those work to.


Last edited June 13 by Jon • removed sslh from add-on list

Add-ons / sslh

Last edited June 13 by Jon • deleted old wiki page: sslh. see blog https://www.ipfire.org/blog/ipfire-2-29-core-update-186-released


Last edited June 13 by Jon • removed icinga from add-on list