The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to translate human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses. Dynamic DNS (DDNS) usually is used in environs where an ISP doesn't offer a static public IP address. To enjoy the benefits of DNS in such cases Dynamic_DNS has been developed.
A Dynamic DNS provider assigns a hostname to the current, public IP address. Any time this IP address changes, an update request points the hostname to the new address.
This technique allows people to provide access to services running on systems protected by IPFire in environments with dynamic WAN addresses.
IPFire ships an update client which supports various dynamic DNS services. The configuration page can be accessed from the Services section of the menu bar in the IPFire WUI.
Here you can configure how the DDNS client will try to get the current public IP (red) address.

By using the first option (default setting), the update client uses the IP address assigned to the red interface. If your IPFire system is hidden behind a router, you may want to select the second option, where the public IP address will be determined by an external server.
Using Dynamic DNS
In the "Add/Edit a host" section, a new DDNS host can be added or an existing one modified. Just pick the desired DDNS provider from the list, fill in the hostname and your login credentials and press the add button.
Detailed information about the required input for different DDNS provider can be obtained from DDNS providers and settings.

The last section on the page contains a list with all configured DDNS hosts. Each entry can easily be enabled/disabled, edited, or deleted. An additional button updates all entries.
Hostname colors
- A green hostname indicates the DDNS entry is "OK" and the hostname points to the current RED IP address
- If an hostname is red an update of some sort is required
- A blue hostname points to a disabled entry
- And a black hostname simply indicates a non-FQDN hostname.