Since Core 65 so called "Static IP address pools" are available. This feature located in the "global settings" box allows to create different networks and independent adjustments, which can be used for unambiguous assignment of IP addresses and clients. This is achieved by a so-called CCD file (which means a client-config-directory). The CCD extension offers different extended capabilities for to the OpenVPN server. Generally, there is already a network address pool from which all clients receive an IP address. This pool works in a dynamic way whereby each client will be assigned to an IP address. But if e.g. there are more clients than IP addresses available, it may happen that the address of a client changes. At this point CCD comes into work. It provides the ability to define new networks (address pools) where you can define individual network names like e.g. "home workers". This networks can be configured in different sizes, for example with 64 clients ( in that case a /24 subnet should be used).
All clients defined herein get allocated a fixed (static) IP address, so it is possible to create client-specific policies with IPTables and IPFires web user interface.

Tunnel subnets, created in here, can be defined per client via the "Connection" section in "client status and control".