The Connection Scheduler" allows to assign recurring tasks.
Currently, the following tasks are available:
- Connect (Standard profile)
- Disconnect (Standard profile)
- Reboot (System)
- Shutdown (System)
- (Re)start IPSec
- Stop IPSec
After a clean installation, MorningReconnect is added but disabled by default. This task will take place at 5:00 am.

If you want to add your own task, first select the time at which this task should be executed. You can select this in the first section.

After that, you have to select the task you want to execute.

You can now select the days on which this task will be executed.
Days may be defined as:
- Day 1 to 31
- Weekday from Monday to Sunday

If you want to, you can assign a comment to this task.
Once you set up your task, press Add to add it to the list.